Wednesday, October 31, 2007

BOO to you

How appropriate I begin posting to my blog on Halloween...

Hopefully you will enjoy what I have to offer and come back time and time again :)

This is the first year I have really made something for Halloween

So for today I give you...

A fun BOO book....

Covers are 4x4 medium weight coasters covered by some Halloween paper that caught my eye at my local of the paper is SU WW and Lilac.

BOO is done with SU BIG DEAL alphabet using Pumpkin Pie ink and

to you - Karen Foster Snap Stamps

and the EYES...those delicious large Googly EYES...from a big bag of googly eyes...that I got at the Dollar Tree...a huge bag of eyes for $1...really you can't beat that

Inside pages are 3.75x3.75 with rounded colors of Pumpkin Pie, Green Galore and Lovely Lilac

I used my oh so fun Bind-it-All with a 3/8 O wire to bind it all up and tied various ribbons from my stash...

Keep checking back...more to come


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is so cute! Really fabulous:)

Melanie Welch said...

OMGOSH!!! I have to get the big deal alpha JUST to be able to put big googly eyes in the letters!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such a great idea!!!!